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Monday, June 4, 2012

Celebrations and Grandparent Camp

Phew!  We've been super busy around here since our last blog post.  Trying to take a little break to come up for air.  Well Friday definitely was the beginning of back to normal after a rather rough Thursday last week.  As I has mentioned as a facebook post on Friday, you know it's going to be a great day when you wake up hearing your husband tell your son, "please don't use your toothbrush to kill an ant". Then proceed to find out there's been a water gun hiding under your pillow all night. I'm so incredibly serious when I say every bit of that made me smile.  It was so wonderful waking up feeling like myself again.  Also, last Friday my awesome hubster took charge of the children for the night so I could go out with some girlfriends for my BFF's birthday.  Luckily the baby goes down at 6:30 so I was able to put her to bed and the guys didn't have to worry about that.  It was the first time I've left the baby for more than an hour or two since she's been born...it was tough at first but we had a wonderful time out and it was so worth it!  We saw the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman".  We all really liked it.  If you are curious, it's not just another fairy tale movie, but it's a fantasy action movie.  It was very enjoyable so if you like all of these kinds of things, then go see it!

Saturday was full of more birthday fun!  Two birthday parties in one day (which actually has happened to us a few times in the past).  This makes for an extremely fun, tasty, exhausting, sugar high day.  Meaning great times until the night time meltdowns due to too much fun, too much sugary tasty treats, and over exhaustion.  Totally worth it though!  Our morning went very quickly with us scrambling to get ready to make the long hike to our first birthday party located two hours away.  Max brought along a butterfly net.  After all of the driving we did on vacation, Max come up with a great way for us to pass snacks and trash back and forth to each other.  When he was hungry he would hold out the long handled butterfly net for me to put his snack in.  He's so funny.  Party #1 was for our very dear friend, Liliana, who turned one last week!  She's such a gorgeous, precious little girl.  We loved spending her special day with her and her wonderful family and friends.  We are so blessed to have this family as a part of our lives.  The boys really enjoyed the piñata and all of the yummy candy that came out of it!  Next we drove the two hours home and attended the party of our sweet little neighbor who turned two.  The boys enjoyed playing in the bounce house for a couple of hours.  We're thankful to have such great neighbors to spend time with.  All in all it was a wonderful fun filled day!  

Pops with Nico and Mema with Max

Sunday was another long, busy day.  We packed up our boys and drove the hour and twenty minute drive up to their grandparent's house.  It's Grandparent Camp!!!!  The boys are really looking forward to spending some quality time with their grandparents.  If we are really really lucky, perhaps their Mema will make a guest appearance and write a special blog post about their adventures.  I know for a fact that today the boys had an AMAZING DAY!!!!  As for the rest of us, we spent Sunday into the night preparing the house for getting our carpets cleaned.  YAY!!!  I was not excited about this at first because of all the work that goes into preparation, but the carpets are so clean and pretty now, and I'm really looking forward to less dust and allergens in the house (for awhile anyway).  But today, Belle and I were banned from the upstairs while the carpet dried all afternoon.  So pretty much we spent the whole day playing, snuggling, playing some more, and then snuggling even more.  She did watch me sew a little bit which we both enjoyed as well.  And now we are in the process of getting the house back in order.  I'm sure that's what tomorrow will be all about.  Not too terribly exciting, but it's always nice to feel like everything is fresh and in its place. 
Belle was talking up a storm on the ride home from dropping the boys off at Grandparent Camp.  Without the guys around  she could finally hear the sound of her own voice.  She's really missing her brothers though.  She looks for them everywhere!

Favorite parts of the day:
Fer:  "Enjoying dinner with my sweetheart" (I think it was more the Pei Wei)
Mama and Belle:  precious snuggle time we had together
Max and Nico:  I'm sure it was playing games at Mema and Pops's house as well as playing on the playground. 
Working together on our yellow laptops.

She's growing up so fast!  Such a big girl.  She wants to sit up on her own so bad.  Not too much longer now.

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