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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Girls' Day and Date Night

You know how things get to be so routine and ingrained into your every day life that you just do them without thinking.  Well, this morning Belle was still sleeping when I got up.  I'm so not used to this at all!  I suppose she didn't have two little guys waking her up this morning so she took advantage of the extra rest.  Wish I could have slept longer, but I'm used to getting up early.  Anyway, it is so routine in the mornings that I get up, get the cartoons on for the boys, and get my oatmeal ready along with my steaming mug of green tea.  This morning without even thinking I turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and it didn't even register with me until I sat down to eat my oatmeal that I was the only one in the room.  I couldn't think of anything that I might want to watch so I just kept on the cartoons.  There is something so comfy about routine that I just decided to go with it.  After Belle got up, she and I had a busy morning.  Last night, Fer was able to get most of our things put back into place so Belle and I spent most of the morning getting the rest of our things back in order and working on laundry.  We also spent a LOT of time playing together.  She enjoys sitting up, so her Bumbo chair is a huge hit.  She also loves to kick her legs, so she got a lot of fun exercise in her Jumperoo.  She also enjoyed laying on her tummy on my bed playing with some stuffed animals.  Our house is so quiet that she had difficulty falling alseep for her afternoon nap.  I had to turn the TV on and keep her downstairs.  Yes, I said too quiet.  She's so used to her brothers being around that I think she's feeling a little bit lonely when she's in a quiet room all by herself.  During nap times the past two days I've been doing a lot of sewing.  I've got a camo themed gift set that I'm working on.  Yesterday was a camo tag blankie and burp cloths.  Today's been a camo cape.  And I might say, it's looking pretty cool!  I'll post pictures of the finished projects later on That's Sew Belle's facebook page.  Catch me there for the latest happenings for That's Sew Belle.  We've got a tab at the top of this blog just for that!

Favorite part of the day was DATE NIGHT!!!!  This evening, Fernando took Belle and me on a dinner and a movie date night.  We watched "What to Expect When your Expecting."  Pretty funny movie.  It was kind of perfect since we just had Belle....well...5 months ago tomorrow we had Belle.  It completely seems like yesterday, but at the same time, it feels like she's always been here with us.  She's the perfect addition to our family.  She's been such a blessing to all of us.  The boys love her and really try to take care of her.  And she's one lucky girl to get two such amazing big brothers to look out for her.  We couldn't ask for anything more.  We miss her big brothers very much, but they are having an awesome time with their Mema and Pops.  We're ready to hear about all of their fun adventures while away.  We will have them back here before we know it!  Can't wait!


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