Welcome to our Family

Our family would like to welcome you to our blog. Here you will encounter our adventures, big and small. We hope that we can offer some ideas and inspirations for your family.

What we are about

Some might see the name of our blog and think, WOW, do they actually think that every day can be the best day ever?  Well, for us, our goal is to strive to make every day the best day, but to enjoy every single moment in the process.  It might seem like we cram in a lot of activities and rush through our day to make it look like we had a good day.  That is definitely not who we are.  Our view is that no matter what cards we are dealt, we will make the best of each hand.  Wherever the day takes us, we want to enjoy every single second we have together.  Or at least we try our best.  Will every day be amazing, exciting, or something new?  Absolutely not.  But no matter what, we want to find the blessings in each and every day, even the days when it seems like it just couldn't get any worse.  We want to inspire other families to do the same.  Our children's childhood is so incredibly short and that short time flies by, if you blink you might miss it.  So we want to make every day the "Best Day Ever", the best that it can possibly be.

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