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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Max's AMAZING WATER GAMES "Smurf themed" Party

 Max's Amazing Water Games "Smurf themed" party was a splash!  Max picked out his Smurf theme months ago as well as what  he wanted to do at his party.  We were hesitant at first knowing that this time of year is incredibly hot.  We weren't sure we wanted to have an outdoor party, however, Max was persistent in his request for a water games party.  So that's what we ended up doing.  We picked a morning time frame so that it wouldn't be the hottest time of day (like we unfortunately did for his third birthday also held outside).  Fernando organized many water games for the kids to play.  When Max's buddies arrived, they were each give a water gun to fill up in the kiddie pool.  They all spent some time playing with these and eyeing the enormous supply of water balloons we were stashing on the side for some activities.  I'm sure it was so tempting for those kids to just grab them right away!  But they did an excellent job with their patience.  The kids ended up splashing around in the kiddie pool for a while too.   They played a game of water balloon throw to see how far they could get their balloons.  They had the opportunity to split up on teams and have a mega water balloon fight.  I had prepared about 75 water balloons the day before (I had to quit because it was the hottest time of the day and we were all melting) and Fernando and he little guys spent the morning of the party filling up about 125 more.  I would say yes, MEGA is the word to use.  When all of the water balloons had been used up, anyone who was wet got a small prize (cheapo prize is more like it, we know better next time).  Then, Max got a surprise.  Uncle Jon arrived dressed in his swim suit, swim cap, goggles, and water shoes ready for a fight!  He had planned an ambush on his nephew and his friends.  He jumped out of the car pulled out his water gun and a cooler filled with water balloons and began his attack!  Max and his friends followed suit by grabbing their guns, buckets, and anything else they could find.  Max and Jack even raided Uncle Jon's water balloon supply since they had just extinguished their own.  I think perhaps this might have been the biggest hit of the party.  I think at one point Max had the water hose turned on for the ultimate attack.  After that calmed down a little the rest of Fer's planned water games continued.  One being a sponge race where the kids divided into teams, had to run to the kiddie pool, soak their sponge, run back to their designated bucket, squeeze the water out, and repeat.  The team to fill their bucket first was the winner.  Unfortunately, Max got very frustrated when his bucket accidentally spilled over.  He's pretty competitive and he was not OK with that!   

Once the water games were complete and everyone was successfully soaked, the kids headed back to the garage for the piñata busting!  This is always one of the activities most looked forward to by my kids.  It means candy candy candy!  We found the perfect piñata at La Michocana.  We were so excited to find a Smurf one!  With the movie having come out last summer, Smurf party supplies were not as easy to find.  Luckily they were all on clearance at Party City for half price so we cleaned them out.  And then the piñata was only $15 from La Michocana.  Whoop whoop!  I LOVE a good bargain.  Anyway, the kids lined up to take their turns in front of the piñata.  The birthday boy went first.  Each child did their best to beat that thing open.  Finally the last kid came up to bat, Uncle Jon.  He did an excellent job splitting it open and all the kids had their bags ready to go to fill full of goodies.  Max had specifically requested ring pops and starbursts so there were a lot of those scattered onto the ground for them to gather.  The kids were given a lunch-size brown paper sack that they each written their name on.  That way they could keep track of what they collected for their own.  There was plenty to go around! 

After the kids collected their candy, it was time to cool off a little.  We had all kinds of drinks for the guests, but my personal favorite were the colored ice cubes covered in a lemon-lime soda.I only had two small ice trays so this took me all week to collect.  But it made for a fun little drink for the kids (and some adults too!).  We had one of Max's favorite meals for everyone, pizza, veggies, and fruit.  After everyone was stuffed (and it was clear we would be eating leftover pizza for a week) we still had the cake to do!  My mom is amazing!  She made the cakes and cupcakes for the party.  I was hoping to accomplish this myself, however the week got away from me and I overwhelmed myself with all that there was to do.  My sweet Mom offered to make them and I couldn't refuse.  She makes the most awesome delicious cakes!     The square cake was vanilla and the cupcakes were dark chocolate, Max's favorite.  He got to blow out candles for his birthday for the third time this year.  Guess he gets three birthday wishes!  We served cake with ice cream, another of Max's favorites.  We picked up some blue ice cream to go along with our blue Smurf theme and also offered vanilla for those who liked that option better.
Here's a little tip I found on Pinterest.  Scoop individual servings of ice cream before hand to save time during the party.  I lined my muffin pan with cupcake liners and placed a scoop of ice cream in each one.  I covered and placed back into the freezer and pulled them out right before serving.  It was such a time saver.  After the yummy cake and ice cream, Max opened the gifts from his family and friends.  That little guy is so blessed.  He received so many wonderful things.  We are so thankful for the generosity and love that everyone gave our little man.  WE appreciate you all for coming out and celebrating his special day!Thank you everyone!!!!  

Max's Best 5th BirthDAY party EVER!

Nico savoring his delicious cupcake (alright, just the icing maybe)

Sweet Lucy enjoying the sunshine

Our Belles :)
Iron Man Family (Yes Max got three Iron Man masks as gifts)

After party game play.  Aunt Lisa with cousin Lucy, Max, Mema, and cousin Jack

Max and Papa playing legos the day after the party after Mass.

Nico pretending to be Iron Man the next day

Max and best buddy, Anthony
Castañeda Family
The next day we had some wonderful friends who had been unable to attend the party come for a visit.  Their three kids got to play with our three.  The Gregory family is very special to us and we are so thankful they were able to come by to play.  Max, Nico, and Belle had a wonderful time playing with Kendall, Luke, and Kyson!  We love you, friends!  Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop in for a visit!

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