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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fer's Rockin' 30th "not so surprise" Birthday party

It's taken me a week to get to this blog post because I wanted to give it the time that it deserves, and this week has been full of awesome stuff to write about!  Last Saturday I threw Fer a "not so surprise party".  In the beginning, I'm talking months ago, it was intended to be a surprise.  But as I got to planning, I realized that with the three little kids and the party being "on location", I just didn't have what it takes to make it a surprise.  I think that Max would have been able to keep it a surprise if I told him to, but by telling Fer about it, he was able to get the party that he would want!  My mom and dad were a major factor in the party being a success.  They are incredibly awesome!  I came up with the theme, Rock Stars, because Fer is our Rock Star.  Something you should know about our family is that we LOVE any reason to gather our friends and family together.  Another thing you should know is, we LOVE to have fun and themed, costumed parties are definitely something that creates a lot of FUN!  That was another reason I decided to present Fer with his party idea ahead of time.  I wanted him to be able to get the costume together that he would get excited about.  That is supposed to be half of the fun.  My mom and I had most of the party planned when I told him about it.  He was able to give me a list of his "must have" favorite foods.  I really tried to keep Fer's favorite things in mind when getting the party together.  I wanted him to have a day all about him.  My amazing Aunt Lulu made him his favorite cheese cake.  My super sweet sis-in-law made him bread pudding, another favorite.  I wanted to go with a bar food theme so we had pulled pork sliders, nacho bar, smoked German sausage, chicken wings, "Michael's" beans, dips courtesy of my mom, celery and carrot sticks from my sis, pretzels and peanuts, etc.  Let's just say it was Fer's food Heaven...until he ate too much of his favorite foods.  The party was on my dad's new and improved deck bar.  Although his deck bar had made its debut a few weeks ago for my nephew's birthday party, this was the first time many of the guests had ever seen the new and improved backyard and deck.  Besides, being there at night gives it a whole different effect!  The backyard has a playground that's perfect for children of many ages.  I'm not sure the swings quit swinging all afternoon.  It was so wonderful getting together with our family and friends.  There were many who could not make it.  They were definitely missed, but with crazy summer schedules we can't all go to everything.  Here's a few pics of the gathering: 

Crazy Jen

Angi tattooing Dad

70's Rock Star twin bro, Jon

Brothas from different Mothas

Princess Belle Rock Star and Papa

Fer with his beloved desserts
 (minus the cookies with chocolate which he's allergic too. 
Those were for the kids)

Cousins hanging out in on the playground

Rock star friends

The Bengforts
Lisa, Lucy, and Jon

Our Beautiful BFF, Ashlie

Happy Rockin' 30th Birthday Fer!

Cousin Friends

Belle and her cousin, Henry.  It was too cute not to add.

Rock stars, Nico and Jack
Belle's looking a little cross eyed there.  She's eyeing Papa's drink pretty hard.
Going to have to watch that girl!

Aunt Julia with little Lucy

The Robinsons
Aunt Lulu and Uncle Steve

TheWhitcrafts (plus Lucy)
James, Julia, and Travis

The Cravens
Aunt Diana and Uncle John

Diana, Joyce (Mom), and Angi (big sis) sporting their new tattoos

The Amazing Pops

Lucy and Lulu
The Sparkmans
Jordan and Adrianne

Family fun!

Fer blowing out his candles on his Birthday Bread Pudding

Cheesecake to the face!

The Neus
aka Grandma and Grandpa

Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Leslie

Uncle Les

Fer and I got our costumes together just the week before.  We are a little too last minute for my liking, but our costumes really came together.  We didn't really get the kids dressed up for it, but we did have five different spray colors for our guests to use on their hair so we let the boys pick the color they wanted to use.  Jack, Max, and Nico all chose blue.  Fer and I used red to complete our costumes.  Belle sported her sparkling black tutu with her princess onesie.  Many of our guests embraced the fun of costumes.  Obviously my bro went ALL OUT and came as a rock star from the 70's.  He definitely takes 1st prize!  It makes my heart so happy when I see others getting into the spirit of things.  My mom even made her own "Rock Star" shirt just for the occasion.  Along with her pink streaks in her hair, she looked awesome too!  Many more of our wonderful guests dressed up, and those who didn't, had a great time putting on temporary tattoos that we provided for party entertainment.  Fer has a love for any kind of cool koozie.  For some reason he's been talking about them a lot lately.  Little did he know, that before all of his talk about them, I had already ordered some that I had personalized for party favors.  We also had inflatable guitars for party favors that the kids especially enjoyed.  We spent the afternoon, into the evening, into the night spending time with those closest to us.  We listened to music and enjoyed delicious food and drinks.  The most important part is that Fernando felt celebrated which was the reason for it all.  He's deserving of having his family and friends all together for a day to be with him.  We are so glad it worked out! 

There's several family and friends who for some reason are not in any of my photos!  Sorry to those of you who are not displayed here.  You are still very very important to us and we are very grateful that you could make it to the party.  If you or anyone else have any pictures of yourself that we could add, please send them this way.  I would LOVE to add them to our post!  Renee, Kyle, and Sammi, you three are some of those we missed!  Brandy and Travis, you too!  Grandma B and Connie, you lovely ladies are in the silly picture collage as well as you Scott.  Mark, Lacy, Deegan, and Hudson, we are missing y'all too :(  Same goes for you, Brianne.  I'm going to be really embarrassed if I missed mentioning someone so please forgive me in advance if this is the case.  Thanks to all of you who came out to celebrate.  We love you all and appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to join in the fun, even though the dressing up like a rock star part was somewhat intimidating.  Those who did dress up looked AWESOME!!!!  A HUGE THANKS for getting into the spirit!!!

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