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Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Balloon ping pong, scavenger hunt, sock puppet kind of day

What a day! What a day!  I feel more tired than ever.  I know the little guys weren't home for a couple of days, but because we decided to clean carpets while they were gone, I just can NOT catch up.  Laundry is piled up...but this is mostly due to the fact that my dryer is a piece of...well...you know.  I've got a couple of baskets of wet clean clothes that I'm thinking about hanging on a clothesline...that I string throughout my house!  Hmmm...really need to get a backyard...Anyway, our little girl has been rather cranky lately.  I can't see anything happening yet, but it's got to be her teeth.  She's always gnawing away at her tiny fingers, and the drooling is continuous.  I feel so bad for the poor sweet thing.  She's still struggling with napping, but it's obvious she's sleepy.  She's just too uncomfortable.  She finally pooped out for the night and I got the kitchen and living room cleaned up so I thought I would take a much needed break.  I know there are a couple of clean, dry loads of laundry just begging to be folded and put away on my bed upstairs, but it'll have to wait a little longer. 

You know, I could probably get caught up if I really really tried, but the boys and I were having way too much fun today!  Our original plan for the day had been a play date in the park.  If our date hadn't have fallen through already, the rain definitely would have put a damper on our plans.  So I decided to consult my trusty list of things I'd like us to try this summer.  Although some of the activities that we do are originally from me, I have to admit that I've gotten most of my ideas from Pinterest.  I would love to claim to be ultra clever and crafty, but that's just not the case.  But that's okay because I'm an excellent researcher, AND I'm resourceful!  The first thing the boys and I decided to do was Balloon ping pong. Complete hit!  We took paper plates, duck taped colorful craft sticks to them (we all picked our favorite color) and Voila, we had ping pong paddles.  I blew up a balloon and there was our ball!  Great times!  We played at this for some time until the balloon got caught in the ceiling fan, popped, and woke up a very cranky Belle...whoops!

Another activity that we decided to do was an indoor scavenger hunt.  I just whipped that up as quickly as I could.  The boys were getting antsy for another activity off the list.  "What's next on the list?  What's next on the list!!!?""  I just thought of items and toys around the house that I knew would be scattered out and would take a little time for them to collect.  I gave them baskets and their list and said "On your mark, get set, go!" and they took off.  This was very similar to the day we collected things of a certain color.  Next time though, I'm not going to have them collect anything in a basket.  We'll just walk around together and locate items.  These scavenger hunts I've been doing causes a LOT more clean up for me (when I can get to the clean up).  Some of our items this time included Batman, flip flops, apple and banana, etc.  I wrote the word and added a picture next to each one so that Nico could understand what he was looking for.  I also put a circle in front of each word so the boys could check off (or color in) whenever they found what they were hunting.  I was so impressed by Max.  At first I let him sit beside me when I was "secretly" coming up with the hunt list (and before I added pictures), but he kept identifying words I was typing.  Needless to say I made him move where he couldn't see what I was doing.  I didn't want him to know what he needed to look for until the game began.  That would spoil the fun!  

In the afternoon, Max got to do something that he hasn't done before.  He got his teeth checked at the dentist.  He's gone with Fernando a few times in the past just for him to get used to it, but this was his first time with his own appointment, sitting in the exam chair, getting his teeth cleaned.  He did great!  But, before his appointment is a different story.  During lunch when I reminded him of his appointment, he got really quiet.  Finally he abandoned his food and told me his stomach hurt and he couldn't eat any more.  He just went and layed on couch.  When I asked him what was wrong he told me that he didn't want to go to the dentist.  Over the next hour and a half he asked me about a half dozen times if he really had to go.  He also kept complaining of a stomachache.  My little guy was nervous!!!!  This was another first for me.  I can't really ever remember him acting like this at any other time.  I mean, sure, he would mention not wanting to do stuff at times or maybe hesitate a little before doing something, but this time he actually had a nervous stomach.  Man that kid reminds me of me!  When the time came for him to go, he left kicking and screaming.  Thank goodness Fernando had an appointment too and took him, because I'm not sure I could have done that with two other kids in tow.  Of course, Nico refused to be left behind, however, so my dear husband brought him along too.  (What a good Papa, or crazy?!)  My almost five year old was screaming and crying about not wanting to go to the dentist, and my two and a half year old was screaming and crying because he wanted to go along.  Yeah, sounds about right.  He went in crying, but came back ALL smiles.  Turns out all along that he was scared of being told he had a cavity.  Which he didn't!  Hooray!!!  It didn't even cross my mind that he might have one, but it sure crossed his!  He's getting so grown up and he really THINKS about things.  Today he told me that he's going to brush his teeth EVERY morning and EVERY night.  He's such a rule follower that I've never had to be concerned that he wouldn't do it.  Now, Nico on the other hand, he's the kid we'll have to be on top of! 

We also worked on making sock puppets today.  This wasn't as joyous of an activity as I had hoped for.  Max kept putting his on his feet saying that his feet were cold, Nico wanted to play with the scissors and glue, and the darn yarn would not stick for anything for the puppets hair.  We ended up with some really sad looking puppets, but it's all good...Max now has some really decorative knee high socks.  I would say complete with googly eyes, but those kept falling off too....And when we were going to make up a little story for the puppets to act out, Max said they had to be Smurfs and Nico argued that the puppet wasn't a Smurf, he himself was a Smurf, etc, etc.  And a fight ensued.  No more sock puppet making for us...not for a while.  But we tried, and it was on the list.  Now struck from the list.  You never know until you try. 

The rest of the evening, in all honesty, has been complete chaos, from cooking dinner, feeding the kids, taking care of the poor grouchy babe, to clean up.  That's why I'm taking a little break from things before I head up to tackle the mountain of laundry.  Never a dull moment, but that's the way we like it!!!

Nico helped me make vanilla pudding after lunch
BEST balloon ping pong, scavenger hunt, sock puppet making DAY EVER!!!

Favorite parts of the day:
Max, Nico, and Mama:  Balloon ping pong (we played off and on throughout the day).  Good thing I had more balloons.  Nico claimed to be "so excited!!!" (his now signature expression)

Mama: Snuggling Belle

Fer: delicious dinner and taking kids to dentist with both doing awesome!

Belle:  playing with Mama and her Abuelita doll

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