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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Goodbye 20's

I just had to share the fun of today and how I'm saying goodbye to my 20's.  Last day being 29 has been AMAZING. We had my Part-time kids today, two boys ages six and three like my boys. We had a blast with everything from the superhero costumes we all hung out in, to creating our own Bat cave, to the wii dancing and racing, to the Go Fish game the four boys and I played, Lego building and lego superhero and villian play. In the afternoon my three kiddos and I enjoyed wooden building block race track construction and go cart racing.  In the evening when Papa got home we had a classic Disney movie night in with pizza and beer (for papa and me).  I'm feeling so blessed to have gotten these last thirty years as awesome as they have been even with all of the downs with the ups.  One is only as old as she feels and today I feel like a kid!  An added bonus for today is the cleaning up done by the hubby including making the dreaded bathrooms spotless!  It  was definitely on the bday wish list and he knows that I like to go into any special occasion with little mess and super clean living space to subside the OCD tendancies. I can honestly say I'm not surprised for his thoughtfulness. He makes me feel like its my bday everyday!  Here's to the next thirty years being as magical and childlike as the last mixed in with a lot of love and laughter with family and friends.  Tomorrow is the day I join the "grown-ups" in the thirty club. I have a feeling 30 is just a number...

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