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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Simply Amazing Science Day

We've been wanting to host a Science day for quite some time now.  In fact, it was one of our summer bucket list activities.  However, the summer is just slipping by so quickly and it has not worked out yet at our home.  So when we were invited to a Science day by a family friend, we could NOT pass it up!  I've had the 80's song "She Blinded me with Science" by Thomas Dolby in my head all day long.  I realize that it doesn't exactly have anything to do with actual science experiments, but it's a classic nonetheless...well to my 80's rockin' family anyway.  Our friend is a high school Pre-AP chemistry teacher, so I knew that my kids would not only get the experiments, but a wonderfully educated explanation of what was going on as well.  I couldn't have asked for better.  It was awesome!  I'm not sure I would have had the answers for the kids if I would have done them myself.  The kids were able to enjoy an erupting volcano (baking soda and vinegar).  Our friend and her boys (the same ages as mine) had made a paper mache volcano earlier in the summer.  It was set up out in the back yard ready to go when we got there.  Each child got to use food coloring of their choice to tint their very own plastic cup of vinegar.  
Sonya adding the baking soda
After the baking soda was in place inside of the volcano, the kids got to take turns pouring their cup of vinegar inside to see the reaction.  The "volcano" erupted "lava"!  The bubbles are created by the carbon dioxide escaping the water solution.  (I so hope I said this right because my nerdy self took chemistry way too many years ago and although I LOVE LOVE LOVE chemistry, it doesn't mean I retained much).  I tried to listen to the Teach today, but I did have three kids I was juggling (plus a swarm of bees I was fighting).
Max already poured his vinegar inside and is watching the reaction

Nico's supposed to be pouring in his vinegar...only he just poured it on top
Erupting volcano experiment.

Sonya, if you read this and any of my Scientific explanations are incorrect, please comment or send me a message and I will fix immediately.  Thanks so much!

We then headed out front (to try to escape the swarm of bees) for the kids to create their own Alka-Seltzer film canister rocket.  The kids put half a tablet of Alka-Seltzer into a film canister, added water, put on the lid, quickly set it on the ground (and backed away for safety), and watched the "rocket" shoot into the air.  The kids then tried to catch their rocket on its way back down.  The carbon dioxide gas produced from the Alka-Seltzer in the water builds up so much pressure that it "launches".  Awesome!  Except I just about missed Nico's turn because I was trying to fight off bees from my baby!  I really think those bees could smell fear.  No one else was really bothered too much by them, but I guess I've discovered a new phobia.  I haven't been this way around bees before, but my kids have not been stung and I really did NOT want to EXPERIMENT with that!  
Nico doing the "rocket" experiment

Max getting ready to launch his "rocket"

We then went inside for some cooler play time.  The kids had so much fun playing with anything and everything.  They would blow in and out of each room with something new each time.  It's always so nice to take the kids somewhere they haven't been in a while so that they can experience a different environment and different toys.  It had been a long time since these kids had gotten together, but they played so well!  I was completely impressed with them.  There was no shyness and limited fighting.  I would say that is awesome for these boys!  After lunch the experimenting continued with "Elephant toothpaste".  I am not even going to try to explain this one except that the reaction creates what looks like a giant stream of toothpaste.  Google search "elephant toothpaste" for a detailed explanation.  My baby girl had fallen asleep after lunch while I was holding her.  Since it was loud in the house from all the kids I stood clear of the experiment.  However, I did sneak a peak and it looked awesome!!!  I just missed the explanation of it.  After that some of the kids made ice cream in a plastic bag (which I missed the "recipe" and explanation on this also).  My boys didn't want to participate in this, but of course after the ice cream was complete and the chocolate syrup was brought out, they just happened to decide they would like to join in on the activity.  In fact, when we got home and we were discussing the awesomeness of the day, Nico revealed to me that his favorite scientific experiment today was "eating ice cream!" with Max chipping in with "yeah! with lots and lots of chocolate syrup!"  Gotta love kids!

You know, seeing my kids learning about science and enjoying it brings me way back to when I was young.  My brother and I would watch Bill Nye the Science Guy and Beakman's World (back in the 90's).  Good times, good times.  They made science so much fun!  And contrary to popular belief, Bill Nye is still alive and kicking, although he's been subject to several death rumors over the years.  I don't know if anyone remembers Beakman's World, but kids would write in with questions and each episode would focus on a few of those questions.  During the episode Beakman and his team would give the scientific explanations.  I'll always remember the episode of Beakman's World when they explained flatulence, including singing a very elaborate song that could only be titled "Flatulence, man-made Turbulence".  I know, I know, why do I remember that?  I guess it was just too funny at the time. I did my trusty little Google searching and found out that the name of the episode is "Fingerprints, Beakmania and Flatulence" from Season 4, Episode 26, Aired Mar 17, 1995.  Crazy that of all things, this sticks out in my mind.  I Googled it because I wanted to make sure I wasn't just making things up in my mind.     Maybe the song was catchy....perhaps I'll search YouTube next.  Come to think of it, Bill Nye the Science Guy had a pretty catchy theme song as well.  Anything that can bring me back to the simpler times of my childhood is welcomed.     

After such a wonderful, fun filled day of Science, it makes me very eager to hunt down more that we can do.  Maybe I'll even get around to that Science day I've been wanting to host myself.  But if not, I'm sure the boys and I will be experimenting around the house on our own.  I'm hoping my "engineer-brained" Max will be intrigued by Chemistry too.  If anyone has some really cool science experiment ideas for kids, please send them our way.  We would LOVE to test them out.  Thanks to the Loughrans for a truly awesome day.  We had a blast and hope to do it again soon!
Aunt Lisa and Cousin Lucy joined in on the fun too!

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