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Monday, August 13, 2012

The Greatest Show on Earth

Hi there…today you may notice some changes in the writing style of this amazing blog “The Castaneda Kids and the Best Day Ever”.  As we are getting closer to the end of the summer, the time to spice things up has come! I mean really hot, like with those jalapeños from the hot dog stand at the American Airlines center (LOL). Today it’s time for Fernando to delight you with the amazing story of the “Greatest Show on Earth”.
We had a good start in the morning.  As always, it started with some coffee and there was some toast for Jen and me. The kids enjoyed their cereal and fresh fruit. Since I don’t get to feed Belle so often during the week because she is either still asleep before I go to work, or she has already eaten her dinner when I come back from work, I took the opportunity to do so.  She enjoyed her cereal and I enjoyed feeding her as I have gotten to do for the last two weekends. It is amazing how she hums on every bite.
After eating enough food, we started getting ready for the “Greatest Show on Earth”, aka, the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus at the AA center. The soccer Olympics game between Mexico and Brazil for the gold medal started that morning. As you may know, I am huge Mexico soccer fan and especially loyal to my hometown team Santos Laguna. Unfortunately I had to record it so I could focus on the kids and finish getting ready. Not a big a deal I thought. 
We learned from last year going to the circus that the food was not good for the kids. The AA center was super expensive and after buying all the food, they did not even want to taste it. So this time we decided to get their lunch packed so they could eat on the car ride to the AA Center. It worked just fine; they had some edemames from Sam’s club and some turkey pepperonis. FYI for all parents, Edemames are super good for kids (and for you). These soy beans are loaded with protein and antioxidants. If your kids do not eat vegetables, get some of these steamable bags at the store and let your kids try it. We have successfully introduced edemames to our nephew and to some of our friends’ kids. So there, no more excuses.
For dessert we had to smuggle some peanuts with M&Ms for the boys. For Belle we had her baby stuff, so she was all set. However, for us the food situation was looking unfavorable. Jen and I decided we would eat lunch at the AA center, and guess what?  We ended up paying for it twice! The first time went to the credit card and the second time went to el baño! =(…. We shared a “Big D” package which is basically a 1 foot long hot dog and a large tray of nachos loaded with lots of jalapeños and a large soda. Since I am allergic to the fake cheese of the nachos, I just ate the chips with jalapeños. Anyway, afterwards we did not feel very well. As I remember last year, we did the exact same thing and unfortunately I had the exact same results. But because Jen was pregnant I believe she could have had more.  So I guess as an adult it is harder to learn new lessons. I am sure you may recall some of these =).
Other than the food being no so good, the show was great, we had really good seats, however we also learned this time that aisle seats would work much better for our family. When we take our kids to events like this, I really want them to enjoy themselves and I love to treat them with things. This time it was so hard to even take them to the bathroom because we were in the middle of a row and there were a lot of people both ways. But going back to the show, the coolest thing we enjoyed was a guy that was lit on fire and then was shot through the air in a big catapult…which reminds me of the time I thought I was spontaneously combusting…but that is for another time.  There was a pretty cool elephant show, as well as “the jumping guys”, as Nico called them.  Both were pretty cool.  They had a very colorful show and very kid friendly environment. I think the kids loved it.  Although Belle ended up sleeping through the entire thing.

Another highlight of the day was the snow cones. The boys really love snow cones. Last year at the circus we were a little smarter, we let the boys share one elephant head snow cone and it worked just fine. This time they had ended up with a clown head snow cone for each one. Nico spilled half of it and Max only ate half of his. However, they still seemed very happy with it so I was happy too.

After the “Greatest Show on Earth” was over we came back home to finish watching the soccer game which was turned out to be the real “greatest show”! I managed to stay away from the media and Facebook during the day so I didn’t know who had won.   We watched the game at home as a family, however most of time I just stood in front of the TV supporting the team and yelling at it. It was an epic game. Through the entire game I felt so nervous, but Mexico did a GREAT job and managed to defeat Brazil!! The score ended 2-1. This was, and still is, a BIG BIG deal. I mean when the referee ended the game and Mexico had won the gold medal, I felt a big knot on my throat and pressure in my eyes. I ALMOST CRIED!! I am serious; I really could not believe it. I have supported Mexico’s team since I was a little kid and Mexico always plays like “never before”, but ends up always  losing. But not today, not this Saturday. Today everything changed. Mexico made history in the books and in my heart! Mexico won its first International Soccer Championship. They won the GOLD!  This was the real “Greatest Show on Earth” and the BEST DAY EVER for a circus fan and Mexico fan.

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