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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Domino Effect

I knew when we woke up this morning that we would have a day to play just the three kids and me.  We were all still exhausted when we got up.  My goal was to keep the house as quiet and calm as we could just so we could rejuvenate ourselves and get a break from the craziness.  We sat together, played on the floor, and enjoyed cartoons for awhile until Belle was ready for a nap.  She was up for only a short period of time before she was ready for her morning nap.  After I got her down, I hurried and got a load of laundry going, made all the beds, unloaded the dishwasher, cleaned breakfast dishes, got myself and kids dressed for the day, etc.  I got all of that done and was still able to get the boys started with the days fun activity,  DOMINOES, before Belle woke up!!!  I have a set of Mexican train dominoes that the boys have never been allowed to play with.  Mostly because I know how they are about scattering their toys and I didn't want to lose any of them.  Mexican train is a beloved game in the Bengfort household and when Fernando entered into the family, he joined in and began to dominate the game.  We blame it on him being a native Mexican.  I figured since Max has been doing so well with board games and card games, he would have a good time with dominoes.  He has a love for games just as the rest of my family.  He's getting to that age where he's interested in knowing the rules. Of course there are times when he decides to make up his own or when the correct rules are too difficult, he changes them, but for the most part he likes to play by the rules.  There are many domino games that we could teach him, but our first domino experience today was the domino effect.  We took turns setting up the dominoes and then toppling them over.  They didn't even get annoyed when one of us would accidentally slip and knock them all down before we were done setting it up.  We just had fun doing whatever!  And then there was Max wearing his protective goggles.  I LOVE his randomness! 

We then played the classic domino game where you take turns lining up matching ends of the dominoes.  This wasn't as big of a hit as the domino effect.  Nico actually attempted to play with us by the rules!  Only he didn't have the patience to keep it up, annoying his older brother.  Finally Max completely gave up on the game.  They separated for a very brief period to do have their own space, but met up again to play dominoes once more.    

This time we decided to build things.  Our favorite one was the pyramid.  Max and I also played several made up games with the dominoes.  Max is pretty clever and he made up a seriously complex game.  He had to keep reminding me of the rules.  Once we played it a million times, however, I think I finally got it.  Just know that it involved matching dominoes, rolling a ball into a small bucket, and a flying monkey that squeals.   
We also spent some time playing Sequence again.  This time Nico tried really hard to follow the rules.  He almost won, but Max swooped in and defeated us without even realizing he was playing the winning card. 

In the evening after dinner, while I was putting the baby to bed, Fernando taught the boys how to play Mexican train.  Max understood the rules and really had a good time with it.  Even winning the game! 

His last domino was the double blank so he had no points counted towards him.  Fernando seriously thought that Max had legitimately won.  We high-fived and everything.  However, while Fer was giving Max a bath he admitted to playing extra dominoes while Fer wasn't looking.  At least the kid is honest....in the long run.  He waited so patiently for a couple of hours to play that game while I prepared dinner and we ate it, that I guess he just felt like he deserved to win.  I'm not sure what he was thinking, but they all had a great time playing anyway.  Hopefully he won't cheat next time.  We literally played dominoes the entire day in some form or another.  It was good times.  

While Max was getting his bath I had to deal with a 2 1/2 year old's tantrum begging for ice cream.  I don't know what gave him the idea that he was going to get to eat some (he had already had a piece of candy for dessert), but he was convinced that if he told me another 20 times that he wanted ice cream that he would get it.  Poor kid.  But he survived and so did I.  I got him distracted by doing goofy physical comedy.  This of course snow balled into a lot more.  Back rides almost always seem to work so I went with that next.  We were silly, running races with him on my back and then I would pretend to be dropping him.  That got lots of laughter.  We spun in circles one way and then the other until I was so dizzy, I had to sit down so I wouldn't fall over.  When I sat down, he was still clung to my back like a little monkey.  So he slid off and then gently pushed me with this feet.  I then proceeded to pretend like he had super human strength and I flung myself to the ground.  I acted surprised that he was so strong.  He LOVED that.  Then he began to tackle me and climb all over me like I was a human jungle gym.  When it was time for his bath, the only way he would go take it is if I raced him down the hall on my back.  After that, Max was all geared up for his turn.  He wanted me to give him the same back rides, races, let him tackle me, etc. that I did for his brother.  Good thing Max is only 2 pounds heavier than Nico.  I hate to disappoint so there we went spinning in circles and pretending to drop him.  It was all fun and games until Max got so excited and jumped into the air and landed right on my pinkie finger jamming it.  I guess I should have seen something like that coming.  Once the initial throbbing went away, I was fine though.  When Nico was done with his bath, I had both boys climbing on me at the same time.  As physically straining as it was, it was so incredibly fun to just be silly with my boys.  They were both laughing so hard, they had me giggling too.  Finally I had to call it quits because I just couldn't move anymore.  GREAT TIMES!  For bedtime story we read a booklet that Max had put together at his religion class on the Beatitudes.  I love the little discussions that come out of reading important things like this.  Both boys would ask questions or would add in something they felt the story left out.  These are such priceless moments with my kids, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.  The boys then separated for prayer time.  Max heading up to the top bunk and Nico climbing under the covers on the bottom.  I laid down beside Nico and he instantly snuggled up to me.  We said prayers and I waited with them a few minutes until Nico drifted off to sleep.  It had been such a pleasant day, I had a difficult time sneaking away.  I just wanted to snuggle near my kids all night!      

Favorite parts of the day:

Max: playing Mexican Train with Papa

Nico:  claimed that his favorite part was playing with his Cousin Jack...
(although he wasn't here today)

Fer:  playing dominoes with the kids

Jen:  playing dominoes the entire day, silly play with the boys, and snuggling my three babies to sleep

BEST domino DAY EVER!!!

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