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Monday, July 9, 2012

Grillin' and Chillin' (and cleanin')

Nico's snow cone was "Batman" flavored. 
Max, like usual, had his favorite color, Orange.

The weekend was full of chores, but we were able to squeeze in some fun too!  It took the entire two days of the weekend to clean out the garage, and it's still a work in progress.  A lot has been accomplished, and it is almost where we need it.  That was a big job that the three guys took on this past weekend.  I'm sure that it was hard work for the two little boys to play with all of their toys out there while Papa labored away cleaning up.  They played in their sandbox, on their electric car, Play-Doh, hot wheels, and much much more.  I think the toughest part was enduring the incredible heat.  You know, it sure is too bad that Belle shouldn't be in the heat for long.  I just feel like it was such a shame having to do my chores inside in the A/C.  Saturday we made a family run to Lowes and stopped off for snow cones to cool off a bit. 
Belle and Papa work side by side on their laptops
I believe Fer is getting a game ready for Max to play.


Little "cakes" the boys put together all on their
own using building blocks and markers.  They were a day late, but they
intending for them to be for their Pops's birthday.
Sunday we went to morning Mass then headed to the grocery store for some produce for grilling.  When we got home, we got to work right away on all of the delicious food we wanted to prepare.  When we fire up the grill we like to go all out and cook up food for more than one meal.  We try to get a few days worth grilled and ready to go for during the week.  It really gives me a break from a lot of cooking.  Of course I have things to prepare, but when the meats are ready to go, it makes for a faster process.   
We LOVE the apron that my mom made for Fer
for his birthday.  He's been wanting one
forever and he's so excited about that and his other grilling
tools and accessories he received.  Thanks, Mom and Dad!
We grilled chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, chilies stuffed with cheese, and asparagus.  Oh my goodness it was so delicious!  Fernando had been craving some of this food for a while now.  I was happy that he got his wish!  So far from the things we grilled we've had lunch and dinner yesterday and today.  We've still got leftovers!!!  Tonight I made a spinach salad adding some grilled steak and chicken, queso quesadilla, walnuts, tomatoes, croutons, jalapenos (from my dad's "garden"), and a few other things tossed with Fernando's favorite Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing.  I love food and I love talking about food.  Am I making you hungry yet?  I sure am and I just had it this evening!

Our grilled yummies
 The family preparing Sunday lunch.
Sunday, for dessert I surprised the boys with smores.  Max has been talking about these ever since he had his first taste at Religious Ed a couple of weeks ago during their snack time.  I know it sounds crazy, but I had NEVER made smores at home before.  I actually had to google how to make them in the microwave.  I didn't want to do it wrong. For those of you who might be interested:
1/2 graham cracker
1/2 Hershey's milk chocolate bar
large marshmallow
Warm in microwave for 15 seconds or until marshmallows puffs up.
Top with other 1/2 graham cracker

Super simple and we LOVED them.  Like I really needed another easy sweet treat around the house.... 

Nico in the middle of saying "Cooooooold"
after drinking his "lechita" (milk).

Sunday afternoon, the hubby gave me the best gift ever!  I got to take a 30 minute nap.  It was the best power nap I've had in a while.  I don't really think I realized how bad I needed it.  When I woke up I felt like I could conquer the rest of the day, so we took the three kiddos swimming!  Belle had only been a couple of times at the beginning of the season.  We've been so busy that we've had a hard time fitting it into her schedule.  Usually only the three guys get to go.  We had a wonderful time.  Belle loved it like usual and so did Max and Nico.  Those boys would get in there every day if they could.  I haven't gotten over my fear of taking three little kids swimming all by myself yet.  Once they get a little bigger I'll feel more comfortable with it and we can go more often.  We've got the neighborhood pool right across the street so it is definitely convenient!

Today I was able to make it to the gym for another time!  It took a little bit to get out of the house, but it turns out that all of the kids enjoy the on site childcare, making it a lot easier for me to pick up and go.  I would not have the motivation to go if the kids were miserable.  I mean, working out is no piece of cake for me.  I only need a teeny tiny reason to not go.  It's kind of a pain in my behind to get all of the kids ready to go so early just so I can get a workout in before the baby's nap, but I'm trying to keep focused on the fact that I need to be healthy for my kids.  Not only will it get me to the place I need to be for my health, but it also teaches the kids to be healthy.  After each workout (like the whole 2 I've done where the kids are at the on sight childcare) Max will ask me what I did for my workout.  He wants me to point out the exact machines I've worked on.  And today he told me, "Mama, you need to try something different next time."  I guess the treadmill isn't exciting enough for him.  I've tested the waters and I've had no knee issues so far, so I think I'm back to running.  I'm crossing my fingers since that's the only thing in the past that I've really been able to stick with to shed the baby weight and to get healthy and fit.  I do have a concern though.  Isn't working out supposed to give me the energy I need to get through the day?  In the past, I've felt rejuvenated and ready to take on my day after a good workout.  Lately, all I feel is hot, sweaty, smelling, tired, grumpy, and starving.  I do NOT need anything else increasing my appetite.  I'm ALWAYS hungry as it is.  I was hoping the working out would curve those cravings, but not yet!  I know I'm just getting back into it, but I'm going to need fast results if I'm going to be able to mentally  keep it up.  I pray writing about it will motivate me.  Words of encouragement (or guilt trips) from my friends out there probably wouldn't hurt either.  I need something to hold me accountable!  Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who struggles with this.  

Boys reading their Lego magazines.
Nico showing off his new Perry the Platypus tattoo.
I felt kind of bad for my kids today because I was a Ms. Grumpy Pants for a while.  I was, like I mentioned before, tired and hungry for a good part of the day.  I was mad at myself too because after working out and attempting to eat a healthy lunch of leftover salmon and jasmine rice with some carrot sticks, I binged on leftover chocolate from those darn smores because I was still incredibly hungry.  Max, Nico, and Belle weren't helping my mood any either.  I think it was a "let's whine all day and see how much Mama can take before snapping" day.  Finally early afternoon I was tired of the kids whining and my terrible attitude and grumpiness towards them.  So I did something about it.  I threw my hands in the hair, raised my voice into my very serious tone, and declared, "As of this point on, there will be no whining, no fighting, no grumpiness from any one of us.  I'm done with it, we're going to be happy and play and have a good day, Okay? Okay? Okay."  To my surprise, it actually worked (to some extent anyway).  I realize now that it could have backfired on me to have an adverse effect.  Max seemed pleased with the announcement, making me think that perhaps his whininess originated, for the most part, from my negativity.  So we turned our day around finally and had some good play.  We played in our craft box, remote control cars, read our Lego magazines over and over, read some books, played Cars card games, and the boys played Sequence AGAIN.  Even Belle enjoyed playing with the chips.  In fact, I tried to put them away and she squealed at me!  I'm not talking a cute little happy squeal.  It was more like a "don't touch my stuff, woman" kind of squeal.  And so it begins.... 
She loves taking her tray off of her Bumbo.

Belle and Nico playing with Sequence chips. 
She loves to scatter them everywhere and
Nico collects them and gives them back to her.
Playing with his remote control car that had
been lost in the garage.  That's what cleaning
it out every once in a while can do!
Over all today was a wonderful day once we moved past our negative moods.  Every one of the children went to bed very happy and peacefully so I know they were feeling much better.  As for me, the smiles my kids had on their faces this afternoon sure made my day special, even if I feel crummy sometimes on the inside.  Fernando had a great attitude when he came home, which helps a LOT.  And it also felt REALLY good when the boys requested me for the third or fourth time in a row to read them their bedtime stories.  If the baby is already in bed and not struggling at the time that they go to bed, then we like to give them a choice (otherwise it is usually Fer).  I was given the honor of reading to them.  Of course, Fer also was requested to read a book, but I'm just happy they chose me too :)  It's not like I'm never chosen or never do it, it's just that I really enjoy winding the day down with them, and sometimes that time is limited while having an infant in the home. 

Today I was reminded that our family relies on each other to create the tone for the day.  If one of us is off our game, then it is sure that another will be off kilter.  I've got just a certain amount of patience and I know that I need to give it over to God to see me through.  It is only through Him that our family stays so strong and through Him that our day can turn around with just a declaration that we are going to make it better.  That's a true miracle with 3 kids age 5 (almost) and under.  I'm thankful for the time He has given to our family to be together.  We never want to take it for granted even for one day.  Our time together is too short not to make the most of it.  I'm proud to say we turned it around! 

BEST saved DAY EVER!   

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