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Sunday, July 15, 2012

First Soccer class EVER

Friday was our first day of soccer classes at the recreation center!  This was the boys' first "formal" soccer training that they've ever had.  We had so much fun! 
The boys posed this way the morning before classes.
  Nico was happy, he's just being a ham.
First up was Nico and Mama for "Mommy and Me" soccer.  Let me tell you, I am NO soccer star, but playing with Nico was wonderful!  It is rare that I'm able to focus on one kid or another "one on one" for 30 minutes straight.  I'm so thankful that we got to do this together.  Of course, I have to brag on my wonderful hubby again!  (He's going to get a big head one of these days.) He arranged his work schedule to be able to join us at the rec center during their soccer classes so that he doesn't have to miss out.  He is a HUGE soccer fan, and it means a lot to him to see his kids trying it out.  We're hoping they will enjoy it because we sure love watching them play!  During Max's class, we were not allowed to watch.  There will be a special time at the end of their four weeks of classes when the kids will show off their new skills and we'll get to watch and take pictures.  I think Max and Belle enjoyed watching Nico and me learn and play.  Nico's greatest accomplishments during his first class were learning not to use his hands (his biggest struggle in the beginning), making a "goal", and learning to stop the ball. 
Nico learning to stop the ball. 
He kept wanting to hold my hand for balance.
Nico stopping the ball.  He was doing a really GREAT job!

Warm up stretching.

Nico got to attempt a goal three times.
He made his third one right down the middle!
Perfect job!

Pack n' play fun times.
Nico saying not to take his picture.
Max so cleverly added rubber bracelets to his brother's Ernie and Grover
firefighters giving them "seat belts".  I'm so proud of his creativity and observations.

Max taking a small break from his learning laptop.

After soccer class Belle fell asleep immediately in the car.  It's great that she wanted to nap, it's not so great that she fell asleep in the car.  When she does this and we try to move her out of her seat, she becomes wide awake and won't go back to sleep.  Thankfully we drove past the library and it gave me the idea to stop off there before going home.  That way she could stay in her car seat carrier in her stroller and nap while the boys and I had some fun at the library.  The boys played on the children's computers.  Max is doing very well on some of the programs now; Nico is making progress on using his mouse.  We had some great play time.  When it was about time to head home for lunch the boys decided they wanted to look through the movies to pick one for their afternoon quiet time.  However, since we went on a whim, I didn't have our library card and you can't check out anything without a library card.  Obviously I wasn't thinking because I never would have stopped in if I would have known I was missing the card.  I'm not a fan of doing things that will cause a tantrum and this was definitely an instance where a tantrum was very possible.  Luckily, the kind children's center librarian noticed  my dilemma and suggested that we sign up Max for his own library card.  Since Max is turning five on Monday I figured it was the perfect opportunity to teach him about responsibility.  The librarian helped me explain the privilege of a library card.  We were able to make it into a type of rite of passage for him turning five.  Thankfully, Max was excited about getting his new library card.  I taught him how to check out his books and movies.  Now I just need to successfully teach him to keep track of his card and be responsible enough to take it with him to the library! 

BEST FriDAY morning EVER!

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