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Monday, June 25, 2012

And Fer's 30th celebration continues...

We've had some ups and downs today as we do every day, but the important part is that we had more ups than downs and we are definitely ending our day up!  We had a wonderfully slow start to the day.  Nico was up at 6 a.m. calling down the stairs for Papa.  For some reason Nico thought that Papa was down there.  His shouting woke up Belle, so I hurried out of the room to scoop up the kids so that Fer could get a litte extra birthday weekend sleep.  Max joined us in the hallway and we went downstairs to start our morning.  Fer got in a really nice sleep.  He slept until almost 9 a.m.!  In our house, that is an accomplishment!  After lunch we decided to head out to find some costumes for Fernando's upcoming "Rockin' Birthday Bash".  We had no success and the only thing we came back with were bad attitudes, but we talked it out and all was right in the world again.  Nico had fallen asleep in the car (he must have been exhausted because he rarely naps) so Max and I headed out to the grocery store to collect the things we needed for the birthday homemade ice cream.  While we were there we went ahead and got some other groceries, including an individual slice of birthday cake.  Max says it's not a birthday without the cake, and so far we had not had any for his Papa.  That was the first time in I can't even tell you how long that just Max and I got to venture out.  I know it was only something as small as going to the grocery store, but it was one of the most pleasant trips to the store I've ever had.  I had great company and he was a lot of help.  We were able to have an uninterrupted conversation which does not get to happen enough.   I think I may try to make it a regular thing, just taking Max on the weekends with me to grocery shop when I need to go.  I get a lot of special time with Belle since she's the baby, and Nico is always cuddling with me, but it's been a challenge to get that good time in with Max.  We all need that special time with each other.  For the first time ever, Max, Fer, and I sat down all together and played a board game.  Usually it is just one of us parents with Max and usually Nico too (who tends to disrrupt the game play).  It was awesome!  It is going to be so much fun when all the kids are game playing age and we can implement family game night!  I'm already thinking it'll be Wednesday nights.  We'll have an easy dinner with little clean up and then spend the evening playing board games.  We will all LOVE it!  We are totally into cheesy family togetherness :)  While I finished some last minute online shopping for our costumes (that Fer had started while Max and I grocery shopped), Fer decided he would make his own birthday ice cream.  But don't worry, he loves doing it.  He doesn't look at it as a chore.  When the ice cream was ready to go, we had Max go tell Nico the good news and this woke him up quickly!  We've used it before when his nap gets too long where we know he won't sleep at night.  We'll whisper ice cream in his ear and he, more times than not, will bolt up with his eyes wide open ready to go.  It is hilarious! 

After the ice cream, we all took some time getting ready for Fernando's birthday weekend Mass.  After Mass, Belle was more than ready to get to bed so Fernando and the boys cooked dinner while I took care of the babe.  We had pork chops, corn on the cob, and fresh spinach.  Max and I had picked up some pork chops at the store.  Also while we were there, Max spotted these nice little corn on the cob holders that we had kept forgetting to purchase.  We've sure had a difficult time eating our corn on the cob this season. Max had remembered hearing his Papa say that he wanted to get some so when he saw them at the store, he started jumping up and down excitedly.  He said "Mama, we just have to buy these for Papa.  He will be so happy."  So of course we couldn't resist buying something that would put a smile on Fer's face.  We brought them home and Max got excited about wrapping it up in birthday wrapping paper.  We decided it needed to be one of his 30 gifts.  I think it will take the place of the homemade ice cream since Fer ended up making it himself.  And since Max had found the perfect gift for Papa, we pulled out of the freezer a bag of Fuhrmann Sweet Corn. www.82sweetcorn.com When I was in highschool I spent two or three Junes getting up before the sun and going out into the sweet corn fields to pick corn for the Fuhrmanns.  I'd spend my days selling corn on the side of the road with them.  I LOVED it!  And to make it even better, I was working for one of my best friends.  Good times, good times from back in the day.  The corn is delicious and I would recommend checking them out if you can.  I'm about to run out and need to head back over there before their crops are finished which I have no clue when that will be.  We are all sweet corn fans and it is all the better when we can get it on the cob.  The boys were happy about it and so was Fer and I!  After dinner we got our single slice of birthday cake, which happened to be exactly the perfect size to cut into four pieces for each of us who can eat cake.  Belle doesn't have too much longer to be left out.  She'll be 6 months already in a couple weeks!  We put on three candles (each one representing a decade of Fer's life), sang happy birthday, then divided it and ate it all up!  Yes we've been indulging in an insane amount of sweets this weekend, but we do NOT do this very often.  It's a special occassion where we have Fer's favorite things so we can't leave anything out!    I tried to upload a video of Max singing "Happy Birthday", Nico dancing, and Fer blowing out his candles, but I couldn't get it to work. 

Fer and Max sporting the milk mustache.
 I think they pull it off nicely...especially
Fer who took it to the next level with half a milk beard. 

Nico didn't have a milk mustache, but he didn't want to be left out of picture taking.  Such a cutie. 

This week we will be focusing on the last minute preparations for Fer's Rockin' Birthday party.  It's going to be so much fun.  The boys and I are so excited to give that final present to Papa.  Our week will be fun, but super busy.  We will keep trying to write this week if time allows.  I've got sewing to do too, Yay!!  And we'll also be at Religious Education classes for one final week.  Happy Week to all of you!  May you find many blessings this day and every day! 

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