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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ear Infection, "Feeding the chickens", and Fresh Veggies

 You know when your kid or someone else you love gets sick, and you quickly make the call and get them into the doctor or constantly hound the person you care about to take care of themselves?  Does it also possibly sound familiar to neglect taking care of yourself, not sleeping, being in denial about being sick, trying to push through the discomfort, etc just so you can continue doing the things you "need" to get done to take care of the family?  And so is the life of a Mama.  If you recall, last Friday night the BFF and I stayed out late trying to gather up presents for the hubster.  During this time I started having ear and throat pain.  I was uncomfortable, but brushed it off telling myself I just needed to rest.  But then again there is no rest for the weary.  I had WAY too much going on during the weekend to get that rest.  Sunday evening the headache sets in.  I figure again, I just need rest.  Headache on Monday, now I think, okay I'm just over heating, it's hot outside right?  Headache on Tuesday turns into a full blown migraine as well as dizzy spells...yuck!  Okay now that's an awfully long rotten headache to have.  Thank goodness for Fer.  He realizes the truth behind "when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".  It puts a kink into the entire family atmosphere when any one of us are under the weather so he made me a doc appointment.  Thankfully he did because as it turns out, Mama's got an ear infection.  You'd think that at a certain age, one would outgrown such a sickness, but alas it just isn't so.  But no worries, the doc cleared out my ears, I've got my trusty antibiotics, and I already feel I'm on my way to recovery.  Today I felt better than I have in a week.  So after the doc, I finished up volunteering at Religious Education at the church, brought my kiddos home, made them a nice lunch, then started tackling the disaster that had become of the home since I'd been feeling sick.  My poor kids had to spend their Monday and Tuesday afternoons watching movies because my headache was so miserable, I could hardly function.  So today we made sure they got in lots of good play time!!!  Belle enjoyed playing with her brothers' old truck.  She loves to sit up and play with toys.  It won't be long now until she can sit up on her own.  The boys were at the top of their imaginative game today.  While I folded what felt like a million loads of clean laundry, they gathered tons of random toys, stuffed them in sock puppets and pretended numerous different scenarios.  One such scenario, according to Nico, was that they were collecting food for the chickens.  They loaded up the socks, hauled them into another room, and dumped the toys on the floor pretending to feed the chickens....RANDOM...and I love it!  Then Max pretended to sort through the toys.  This is where it got precious.  He would lift a toy up to Nico and say, "Should we donate this one?" and everytime Nico said "Yes."  According to Max, they were playing donation make believe.  It made my heart feel good that he has learned from us the meaning of donating and he knows it is important enough to play....then again they were also feeding the chickens...ah well.  Any time we start cleaning out our attic, or drawers, closets, garage, etc. we pick a place to donate our unwanted items that are in good condition.  Usually we give to a local organization called NEED.  Our parish makes it so easy.  We just have to drop it off at the church and there are volunteers who make a trip over to the facility for us.  Of course, there is also our local Goodwill.  They've received our larger items like tvs and furniture.  The boys love to ride along when we drop off things there.  I'm proud of them for embracing the idea of giving (even if it is just food to the chickens).  They also played "taking out the garbage".  I sure hope that one sticks!  I wonder if they'll think taking out the actual garbage is fun when it becomes a regular chore. 

One of my favorite parts of the day today was going to the St. Michael community garden and collecting some squash, peppers, and cherry tomatoes.  They made a super delicious addition to our dinner.  We ate it with a shrimp spinach salad.  Yummo!!!  Now just to finish kitchen clean up and head to bed at a more appropriate time....

...Alright, no kidding, as I was typing that last sentence I had the baby wake up and demand some significant time, so it's back to the late time when I usually finish up and get to bed.  At least I finished cleaning the kitchen!!  But I will be ending here to get some rest.  Peace out y'all! 

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