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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Playdate, Papa's day, party supplies, and a new milestone for Belle

Our weekend is well underway, but there are a few highlights from the past few days I'd like to mention.  One being our Thursday's scramble to finish up our Father's Day gift for Fernando (which he's already received today so no spoiler alert here).  Our gift (thanks again to Pinterest) was a lot of fun to make and super simple (kind of)!  But it took a trip out in the heat of the afternoon, just me and the three kids.  However, looking at the picture, you'd never guess it was super hot!  Max happened to find a stocking cap somewhere hidden in our van, and he thought he'd put it on.  He had a fit when I refused to let him wear it into the store.  It was not because I cared what he looked like, but because I didn't want him overheating outside.  He reluctantly left it in the van, but when we returned he begged to put it on, eventhough he was already a sweaty mess.  After putting it on he kept walking around the house saying "I'm just sooooo hoooot!!!"  Ummmm...gangsta Max, take off your hat!!!  What a turkey.  He's always pulling something out or doing something random and he's just totally unaware that it may be a little unusual.  I admit, that's one of the things I love the most about him.  He doesn't care one bit what someone else might think and I hope that he can stay that way.  I try to encourage his uniqueness as much as I can.  I want him to always feel confident in himself and his decisions.  We got Fer's Father's day present completed and when I held it back to view our finished project I realized the pictures were in color...not sepia (think that's what it's called) for the look I was going for...Womp Womp.  In my mad rush to get the pictures selected and printed as fast as I could, I neglected to edit the pictures.  But you know what?  I think it looks great anyway, besides I can trade out the pics later on if I feel like it needs it, but Fer LOVED it the way it was so we're good.  

Friday was the last day of St. Michael Academy Summer Camp.  They were sad it was over, but they have two weeks of religious education classes at St. Michael's to look forward to.  It's a different program, but same classrooms so they'll be used to going there and I think they will enjoy them also.  So, on the last day of camp I got a text from Nico's teacher at around 10 a.m. saying that the parents were invited to gather with the kids at 12:15 for the closing song of camp.  Belle and I rushed around trying to get everything done in preparation for the crazy afternoon we had planned, we got out the door in good time, we parked and got inside, I look at the clock...12:16 so I start to walk a little faster and as I'm walking up to the overflowing classroom, I hear the last line of the camp song....I missed it!  One minute late.  Don't tell my kids, they think I was there for the whole thing.  Max had been talking about that song all week, asking me if I'd heard it and if I knew the words.  Can I get another Womp Womp (not Whoop Whoop)....The boys saw me shortly after and waved to me like crazy.  They are oblivious to the fact that I wasn't there for the song so shhhhh keep that a secret for me.  Max is always telling me that I forget things like this so I don't want him to think I forgot about him.  After the program I did something very daring, well daring for me anyway.  Max and Nico's best friends came over to play.  I spent the entire afternoon from lunch until 5 with five kids (two 4 year olds, two 2 year olds, and my 5 month old).  Unfortunately my 13 year old helper couldn't make it.  And you know what?  I survived and it was fun!  Of course after a couple of hours I started getting worn out and the boys started getting into little disagreements, but that is completely understandable.  They were exhausted from camp, no nap, and constant playing for hours and hours.  I had made sure that I had everything done that needed to get done ahead of time so that the entire afternoon we could all just play together (and mediate when needed).  Lunch was first so I had made a pepperoni pizza and chicken nuggets ahead of time and left them to cool while I picked up the boys from camp.  I had an old comforter spread out on the living room floor so we could picnic there for lunch.  They watched about 20 minutes of Mickey Mouse while they ate their "picnic" lunch then took off for upstairs.  We played board games, puzzles, kitchen, tools, tents (no girls allowed it turned out), with toy story toys, looked at books and picture search and finds, swords, trains, super heros, cars, cars, and more cars, etc.  Max was so excited about showing his toys to his friends and his friends we so excited to see different toys.  They went through things so fast I was worried they might run out of something to do!  I had to always keep one step ahead of them to suggest something new in case that happened.  Wow was it EXHAUSTING!!!  Those little guys have energy.  Belle got worn out just watching and took a wonderful nap which made it easier to play with the boys for a little while.  I'm getting pooped just thinking about it.  The kids took only a short break from their play to have yummy all fruit popsicles (peach or strawberry were their choices).  By the time Fer got home I was so ready for another adult, but then realized that the extra body in the house put off even more heat and the boys got even more hyper and excited.  Fernando and I spent the rest of the time being "monsters" or "dragons" and chased the boys around.  All they did was run around screaming and giggling and we just had to walk behind them saying "I'm a monster.  I'm going to get you. Grrrrr.." or "I'm a dragon and I'm going to breathe fire on you." and proceed to pretend to blow fire at them.  Awww the good times.  I'm so impressed with Belle and her ability to just go with the flow.  Thankfully she does not get overwhelmed very easily and she LOVES watching other kids.  One of the things that helped make it a more successful experience (besides having no chores or distractions that needed to be taken care of during the play date) was making the kids pick up after each activity instead of just letting them run to the next thing so quickly.  I didn't want to constantly make them feel like they were cleaning up the room, but I convinced them that they would have a lot more room to play their next activity if the one before was completely put away.  There were times when there wasn't a definitive end to what they were doing and that activity just turned into another so when that happened I just quietly picked up behind them.  It was awesome.  When the two little guys went home that evening, there was no extra mess to straighten up since we all had tried to stay on top of it as the afternoon went along.  There was actually less mess than a normal day around here.  Wish every day could 100% be focused on just playing, but alas I have responsibilities....yuck!  But it sure was nice to be able to devote my complete attention (as divided as it might have been between 5 kids) to play time!  We do a lot of play on a routine day, but I normally have to go in and out of it to do the chores, cooking, and other day to day things. 

I'd love to say after such a tiring day that I slept awesome last night, but unfortunately I can not.  I know I keep mentioning this, but poor Belle and her teething.  And I think she's starting to have some tummy issues too.  She's up and down all night, with long periods of wakefulness.  She's not necessarily fussy, although periodically she is, but rather "talkative", calling out with her fingers in her mouth.  A couple of days ago two bottom teeth (the ones right next to the front two bottom ones) just poked through her gums.  I can barely see it, but I can feel fit with my finger when she's gnawing on it.  The two front ones shouldn't be far behind (crossing fingers and sending up a prayer).  Hopefully she'll get some relief for a week or two before more come in.  I remember Nico got around 8 teeth within a couple of miserable days.  That boy went from no teeth to literally a mouth full overnight!  Perhaps she will follow suit.  She did hit a milestone today too!  Belle rolled over for the first time ever!  She went from her back to her tummy after lunch today while she was playing in the living room.  I layed her down with some toys while I went to clean the kitchen.  I can see her by looking over the bar and into the living room.  I glanced down to load a dish into the dishwasher, looked back and she was on her tummy!  Fernando had been sitting in the living room with the boys and saw her first, however he missed the actual event as well.  We tried and tried to get her to do it again, but she wouldn't.  I guess she doesn't like being treated like a circus monkey.  Fernando and I were cheering so excitedly and perhaps a little too loudly that she probably doesn't want to hear that again.  I'm happy and proud of her, but sad at the same time.  How did we get here so fast!? 

 We can never hold out until someone's special day to give them their gifts.  We decided that we would spend the entire weekend celebrating Papa.  So this morning after breakfast we pulled out his presents and had him open them.  Max and Nico have been holding onto their little gifts that they had made at school for weeks now (since around Mother's day).  They were extremely patient.  I had even told Max that if he wanted to go ahead and give Papa his present right away after he brought it home it would be okay.  Max only responded, "Well, is today Father's Day?" When I told him no he said, "Then no, he's going to have to wait."  He was more than ready by today to give him his gift.  Max had made his Papa a card shaped like a shirt and tie that he had colored himself.  Inside was a special poem.  Nico gave his Papa a koozie with a poem and his hand print.  Aren't their teachers pretty awesome to help them make these gifts ahead of time?  And then as you saw above, the kids and I put together the special picture frame for him.  It is tough to get the perfect shot.  I took each kid one by one into our room and just focused solely on him or her, took many shots, and ended up with some cute ones. 
We spent most of the morning shopping at the mall, where all three kids did amazing!  I was pleasantly surprised how well they did.  I'm not used to them listening when there are so many new things to look at, and clothes racks to hide behind.  I am NOT a shopper so I would not blame them one bit to have been annoyed the entire time.  In the afternoon we went party supply shopping.  Fernando and Max both have birthdays and parties coming up.  So exciting!!!  Speaking of birthdays, I want to give a shout out to an awesome bro-in-law, Scott on his birthday today!  Happy Birthday, Bro/ Uncle Scott! Hope this year is even better than the last! 

For kids, Party City is an exciting place to go, but for this mama and papa with these little kids, it's a crazy place to go.  The boys ran up and down the aisles and picked up anything they could grab, begging for us to buy them this and that.  Seriously, it just might be kid heaven.  We left with only one screaming-at-the-top-of-his-lungs child, another with tears in his eyes, and one oblivious-to-it-all baby girl.  At least when we got back into the car we had a peacemaking activity we told them about....swimming!  All three guys went for a swim while I tended to Belle who begins to wind down her day quite a bit earlier than the boys.  And to top off our day, we decided to get a "To Go" order from Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  Yay!  A night off from cooking!  Praying now for a much needed peaceful night for all five of us.

 Some of the BEST DAYs EVER!

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