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Friday, June 8, 2012

Pool Play Date

Oh my goodness.  I don't know about you, but the CRAZIEST time of day in our house is 5 pm - 8 pm.  And every day it just seems to get even more insane.  As the baby gets more active and as we try to get settled back at home after summer activities, it's getting absolutely nuts around here!  Everything seems to happen all at the same time.  The baby needs her cereal so I have to pump a bottle, the kids are starving so I am cooking dinner, Fer gets home and the kids get wild with excitment, Belle wants to go to bed at 6:30 so while I'm cooking dinner I have to get her a quick bath, and while the family is finishing dinner, I'm off to put her down.  It's crazy!!!  Thank goodness Fer takes the boys upstairs and bathes them and puts them to bed so that I can have a chance to clean up our daily disaster of a kitchen.  Phew I'm pooped!  It is so rewarding having our three kids and staying at home with them, but at the same time it can be extremely overwhelming!  Honestly, tonight is a wine kind of night so I've already had a glass of that.  I'm worried it was a mistake since now I just want to close my eyes for the night since I'm too relaxed!  I'm definitely not used to having it.  But hey, I'm calm.  And I am so proud of myself for not exploding on anyone today.  The boys were great and we were all in a wonderful mood, but the chaos sometimes leads to crazy mama.  Okay always leads to crazy mama, and you never know what's going to happen.  I've kept my cool pretty much the entire day!  Hence the little glass of wine reward for Mama! 

We had a wonderful day out on a playdate with two adorable girls, the oldest Max's age, the youngest, Nico's age.  They have a great big shaded backyard with an above ground swimming pool just the right depth for kiddos...although Nico isn't used to such a shallow pool and he's used to wearing a life jacket.  Let's just say falling under the water a couple of times was enough for Nico and Mama...he got out before the rest.  But they have a water table, sandbox, bubbles, and other toys and activities that kept him entertained.  Max had a blast in the water, even though it was terribly cold due to all of the rain we've had.  Once everyone was shivering enough we headed inside to warm up and take a rest.  At lunchtime the kiddos camped out in the living room and watched "Up" while the adults were able to actually sit down at the dinner table and have civilized conversation.  IT WAS WONDERFUL!  It's not often that I get to have adult interaction in the middle of the day.  Or as busy as we are, it doesn't happen much during a day at all.  I definitely need more of those times so I can still be Jen instead of just Mama.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE being Mama, but it's definitely nice to be able to be more than that. 

 Well I'm keeping it super short tonight.  We've got a super busy weekend and I've still got things to do this evening.  Hope you all had a glorious day and have the best weekend ever!

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