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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Best (Mother's) Day Ever!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Let me tell you, I'm the LUCKIEST, MOST BLESSED, IN LOVE Mama in the entire world.  Just sayin. 
My boys had the best "hand made" gifts waiting for me that they created at school.  Look at their cute hand prints :)  They make me so proud!  The best gifts are those that they make for me.  I'm a total sap when it comes to things made by hand.    My thoughtful hubby helped the kiddos each give me a sunflower.  It's the first time I ever received a sunflower and I think they're so beautiful!
 (please ignore the bedhead.  I look AMAZING in the morning)

I've got the cutest kids and the best looking husband, don't you think?

We had a super slow start to our day and that was amazing.  It's so rare that we can just take our time in the mornings.  Fernando made us very tasty omelets for breakfast and we spent our morning watching cartoons.  Of course Phineas and Ferb were part of the main attraction with episodes dedicated to Mom.  And now I have a song from the show playing over and over in my head.  At least the songs are catchy.  
Belle went down to nap at her usual morning time and then SURPRISE slept until it was time for her usual afternoon nap.  She was exhausted from yesterday's activities which I'll post more about tomorrow.  I suspect she's been going through a growth spurt lately, too, and I think the proof is in this picture.  She grew today in her sleep, seriously!  She just grew up.  Can't believe four months has passed us by so quickly.  The fastest four months of my ENTIRE life!  I guess it's true that time flies when you're having fun!      
 I forced the kids to get another picture with me since it's mother's day.  Not an easy feat.  Max INSISTED that his race cars join us and Nico wouldn't keep his hands off of his sister.  All of this pretty typical.  We all took a fun family trip to our local Lowes (a favorite store for us).  Then Papa surprised us with a trip to Brahms....I think this is already my second time to mention Brahms in my few posts.  I don't know what our obsession is with ice cream, but we're all crazy for it.  I used to not be able to eat ice cream because I had a dairy sensitivity, but after I got pregnant with Max that went away (minus during my pregnancy with Belle when I couldn't handle dairy at all).  Now I'm a dairyaholic....good thing my extended family owns one!  www.circlendairy.com  Check them out!  This will not be the one and only time you hear me mention them.  In fact, we'll be attending a charity event there called M-O-O-Ving Thru' the MUD with Landon.  You can check that out on facebook if you are interested.  The boys can not wait to get dirty and play in the mud!  Wow I totally digressed again...

Papa and the boys put together our new bench for our dining room table.  With Belle getting bigger, it's almost time she joined us there.  The little guys LOVE being able to sit side by side.  The bench matches our dining set perfectly!  I love when we have to add little things here and there around our home to accommodate our growing family.  It makes me feel so complete.  While they did this, I spent some time upstairs sewing Nico's superhero cape.  He tells me every day that he's Batman and I can't wait to surprise him and Max with their superhero capes one day this summer.  I'm not sure when...but when the perfect opportunity presents itself, it'll happen.  Look for more on this in the future :)  Being a HUGE superhero fan myself, I just can't wait! 

Our favorite parts of the day
Max: playing Cars 2 games
Nico:  playing with his Cars 2 cars
Fer:  (claims) making me omelet for breakfast because it made me happy, taking us out for ice cream, playing Cars game, taking boys on a wagon ride around the neighborhood to visit the water fountains
Jen:  getting spoiled by everyone for MOTHER'S DAY and Fer fixing the garage door and putting our family bench together.  Thanks Loves!

Best Bloopers of today:

1.  Papa made us hash browns that looked a little funky...turned out to have expired...in 2010....thank goodness we didn't eat them before we found that out...

2. Nico's meltdown when Papa tried to push his ice cream down into the cone so that it wouldn't fall onto the floor like last time.  He screamed so the entire place could hear him "Papa ate my ice cream!!!" over and over gain at the top of his lungs through hysterical sobs...good times. (At Nico's defense, Fer pushed the ice cream down with his mouth and it did in fact look like he had taken a bite...Poor Fer felt awful!)

3.  Max disowning Fernando and I as parents because we would not give into his little brothers tantrum over Cheese Its and yogurt. 

4.  Jen finding a random piece of apple in her vase of sunflowers....finding out who actually put it there...long story but in the end it wasn't one of my little kids...

BEST mother's DAY EVER!!!

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