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Friday, May 25, 2012

Mud Run Fun

My nephew, Jack, and Max running thru the mud

Hundreds of kids released lime green
balloons to signal the start of the races.

Muddy Max
Look at those Muddy Buddies

Last Saturday our little guys participated in the first annual M-O-O-Ving Thru' the MUD with Landon.  It's a Non-Profit Organization benefiting Hope for HH.  If you are interested in learning more, you can find them on facebook or on their website http://www.mudwithlandon.com/  The mud run was located at the family dairy, Circle N Dairy (http://www.circlendairy.com/).  We've never had so much fun playing in the mud.  It was an amazing fun time and we hope to participate every year!  Our motto is the dirtier you get, the harder you've worked or the more fun you've had.  Either way it's a win!  There just isn't anything that's more enjoyable than letting loose and having fun.  At first Max wasn't too sure about the mud.  I think he was concerned that he wasn't supposed to make a mess.  After I reassured him that he wasn't going to get in trouble, and I encouraged him to get as messy as he could, he really had a blast!  I ran alongside him on the course making sure he got as muddy as he could!  The little guy just wouldn't crawl through that mud though.  My nephew on the other hand, he was awesome!  He had mud from his hairline down to his toes.  Nico was so uncertain about what was going on.  He was so cautious that he had to have his Papa hold his hand pretty much the entire time.  But they went through the course twice and would have done more if we hadn't asked them to stop to eat lunch.  We also got to enjoy a hay ride, barrel ride, and helicopter visit.  They also had face painting, but we never made it to that.  We were in the mud too long! :) 

Nico and his favorite obstacle on the course.
And of course, nothing is tastier than ice cold raw milk right off the dairy on a hot (or any) day!  Making myself thirsty for it as I write.  Wish I had some in my fridge right now....no, not in my fridge, in a nice frosty mug...I think I've mentioned this before...Anyway, we had the best time sharing in the fun with our family.  My parents, my sister and her two boys, many cousins, aunts, uncles, and my maternal Grandparents were there, of course, considering it's where they live.  What a blessing of a day!  Growing up, my siblings, cousins, and I spent a LOT of time on the dairy farm.  Back then it was run by my Grandpa.  Some of the BEST times in my childhood were spent right there.  I could reminisce ALL day about that place and about my family.  During the mud run festivities, Belle got restless and was ready for a break out of the wind and the sun so I walked her over to my grandparents' house.  It's just like it was when I was a little girl.  All of the smells and sounds are the same.  So peaceful and so full of love, even when there's no one in the house, you can feel it.  Belle and I spent some time over there alone with all the windows open, the breeze blowing through, the sound of the wind chimes clinging on the front porch.  Seriously, in that moment I couldn't think of a more peaceful place.  God truly blessed me with that family and now he's blessed me with the most loving husband who has given me three amazing children.  Sure, not everything is perfect, nor would I want it to be.  But it sure is GOOD with family like this.  

Best Cousins next to the store.
Muddy Nico
Anyway, we are all looking forward to next year's mud run.  Not only is it a great time, but it's for a great cause.  Another opportunity to teach the kids about giving back and helping to bless others the way that we have all been blessed.  

BEST muddy DAY EVER!!!       

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