Saturday evening sure was eventful! After being out of routine with vacation and with her Papa being home for more than two days in a row, Belle was completely off schedule and struggled to fall asleep (STILL struggling with nap time was a huge ordeal, but we'll get it). Finally I got her to sleep...and the electricity goes out...On a normal day, Belle's room is the warmest in the house due to the position of the sun at the end of the day. The bright sunlight toasts her room all afternoon, so when the electricity went out (and she goes to sleep before the sun is down) her room got hot fast. I had to strip the poor baby down to just her diaper and she was still drenched in sweat. The boys were all wound up about no electricity and refused to go to bed. I guess they were too excited or curious about what was going on. We tried to make it an adventure so they wouldn't be freaked out when the sun went down and it was pitch black in the house...but they were having none of it. Took us hours to put them to sleep, and they would only lay down in the living room where we were. After they finally conked out, Fer and I try to make the most of the evening by playing cards by candlelight.
Sunday was spent outside on my parents' amazingly wonderful covered deck. I wish I had pics of this to post, because it is just like going away for vacation. Imagine a cabin getaway where you can sit out back on the deck (that has a bar and grill) complete with a backyard playground out in the country away from the city....yea, that's what we get to do when we visit Pops and Mema....awesomeness!!! The breeze was just right to keep it from getting hot. What a great weekend it turned out to be!
Memorial day was just as great. First of all I want to recognize those who have served and are serving our country to allow us to have these wonderful experiences and freedoms. Without them we would not be able to enjoy these luxuries. So here is a big THANK YOU to them and their families. We spent this final morning of Fer's vacation doing things at the house. I got to sew for 3 hours while my amazing husband single parented the two little guys. Belle hung out with me and then napped for 2 of those hours. Then right after lunch we decided to finally surprise our guys with their SUPERHERO CAPES!!
The afternoon and evening was spent with some wonderful friends. They have a water bounce house! My kids' two favorite outdoor things! They played in that thing for HOURS while Fernando and I got to enjoy actual adult conversations with our friends. Couldn't have been a nicer day! And I was honored to be my husband's designated driver on the way home. He so deserved to have a little extra fun. He's only the BEST HUSBAND EVER! I have to mention that on Sunday evening when we got home from my parents' and while I was trying to assist our struggling baby to fall asleep, my sweet husband (without me asking or even hinting) swept and mopped our floors, unpacked our bags, folded laundry, and straightened up around the house the things we couldn't get done (and the mess that we made) during the blackout. He's definitely SUPER PAPA! I think he deserves a cape of his own.
Attacking the "Bad Guy" |
Favorite parts of the weekend:
Max and Nico: Playing with Danny and Anthony
Papa: Spending time with family and friends, and of course "Making Beans" (Fer made his very first big pot of pinto beans.)
Mama: Seeing my boys play with their superhero capes, spending time with amazing family and friends, beating Fer at cards, etc....pretty much everything because it was
The BEST Memorial DAY weekend EVER!!!!
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