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Thursday, May 17, 2012

First Full day of Summer Break!

Amazing start to our summer break!!  I was all for having a slow start to the day, but by 7 a.m. everyone had already been up a little while and by 8 a.m. was in full play mode.  We did a lot of fun things today.  One being that if we couldn't have a slow day, we were going to have a pajama day.  This lasted all the way until 4 p.m. when we all started feeling like we might want to get dressed for the rest of the day.  Go figure. 

Belle's ready to join us at the table
The boys were completely into imaginary play today.  This morning we even had a beach ball/sunglasses party in the living room.  With a little baby and no back yard we are limited in outside time sometimes so we bring the outdoors in a lot.  Most of the day they played together so well and for the first time that I can ever recall, the boys actually split off from each other for a little while (without being mad at each other) and had their own play time in opposite parts of the house.  They pretty much always play in the same space with the same toys, etc.  It was a lot of fun to see them branching out doing their own things, and quietly while they were at it!  I know I've mentioned their imagination before, but I just LOVE seeing the things they come up with and of course I just play right along.  While the baby napped and the boys were playing so well, I started getting some laundry together and putting some of their school things away.  Of course this is when it gets interesting as well as adding our first horrific blooper to our list.  Sooooo....you know how in the Smurfs there is one named Clumsy?  There is a reason why the boys like for me to take on the role of this Smurf when we play....sigh...Today I completely and totally wiped out.  It really took a lot to keep me from shedding a tear it was PAINFUL!!!  It could be a long story, but to make it short, I tripped on some train tracks and lost my balance when I tried to pick my foot up quickly, found there was no free spot close by to put my foot and so I fell flat on my face...on top of all the tracks.  Nico heard me cry out in pain (thank goodness my usual word of choice in these type situations did not slip out for them to hear) and he came right away saying "Are you okay, Mama?"  You know that throbbing kind of pain that makes you rock yourself back and forth like that's going to comfort you or take your pain away, well that's what I was doing.  Nico said, "Mama, you need band aids!"  He ran off to find some and came back with Mickey Mouse bandages for me all on his own.  He was so sweet.  At this point Max had joined the party and was examining my wounds to make sure I wasn't going to bleed to death.  When I started bandaging myself up, the boys were pointing out every spot that "needed" a band aide.  If I would have gone with every suggestion I would have used the whole box.  But I left a couple in there.  Nico was doing well with everything until he noticed a pretty bad looking wound and saw the blood.  His eyes got so big and he didn't look so well.  I don't know if he's got a blood phobia or what, but he just slowly started backing away and slightly shaking kind of in a panic.  When I told him it was okay to look away, that I was going to be okay, he just cautiously said...ok...and looked at his feet.  Man I love my kids.  Nico sure cracked me up.  Made the whole incident memorable, but in a good way.  My boys take such good care of me.  Nico just wanted to help so bad that he was sacrificing his scared feelings to help me.  What a little man!  Max was okay to finish helping and then both boys kissed my boo boos.  I guess I'm a little spoiled with these guys!    Of course when I was talking to their Papa on the phone later, Nico had to take the phone from me and tell his Papa about the accident and how Mama got some bad ouies. 

Nico had been asking me ALL morning to let him watch a movie so since he and Max were so sweet and brave and helped me out, I decided to give in.  I set up a picnic lunch for them on the living room floor and they had their picnic lunch while watching Kung Fu Panda and wearing their pajamas :)  They were so distracted by the movie that they ate almost every bite of food I gave them without a struggle! 

After lunch and the baby was down for her afternoon nap, we busted out the best game we've ever played together,  "I Can Do It".  It's a Dr. Seuss themed game that Mema gave Max last night for his graduation.  The boys and I had so much fun.  I think we played it three times and then reenacted some of the actions just for fun.  LOVED it and I would recommend it for kids.  The game says 4+ but Nico did AWESOME with it too.  Thanks so much, Mema!  It's a hit with all of us!

When the boys were tired of playing games, they went up to their room and started playing Goofy's birthday party or something like that.  I'm not exactly sure, I just know that I was supposed to be Minnie and Belle (who actually slept through our loud game playing) was Daisy.  While the boys were upstairs and the baby was still asleep, I took advantage of that time to start cutting out the super hero designs for their capes I've made.  Okay so I only got the picture printed and got that pinned on to the felt before I got interrupted, but it's a start. 

Now, I'm just plan exhausted but satisfied with an amazing day. 

Best part of the day:
Max: Playing the game and eating ice cream for dessert
Nico: Playing the game
Belle: Hanging out in the Moby Wrap that Mama's finally started to use and getting to sit in her booster seat
Fer: Eating lettuce with lime and salt.  Getting the boys to actually try it and love it!
Jen: Playing "I Can Do It" with the boys, getting the super hero designs started, and successfully cooking dinner for the fourth night in a row!!!! (HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!)

Bloopers...well, no need to recap that one.  We all know what happened. 

BEST first full DAY of summer break EVER!

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