Welcome to our Family

Our family would like to welcome you to our blog. Here you will encounter our adventures, big and small. We hope that we can offer some ideas and inspirations for your family.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My reasons for living.

Welcome to the Castañeda Family blog!  These are the four reasons I'm living.  I'm doing this blog to hold my family and I accountable for making each and every day count. Life is short so we want to spend every second we have together lovingly loving each other.  Yes lovingly loving.  The boys' summer vacation is literally right around the corner.  School lets out next Wednesday and to kick it off, Max has preschool graduation.  We will be celebrating Max and honoring his four years at St. Michael Academy.  However, this will not be his last year at SMA.  He will return next year for his final year when he will graduate with "honors" before beginning Kindergarten in Fall 2013.  We will be venturing into a great "adventure" with Nico as we....drum roll please....finally attempt to potty train!!!  As for Belle, well she's doing something new every day.  She recently turned 4 months old and is such a bright light in our world.  Her brothers adore her and she adores them.  She's definitely along for a wild ride this summer!  So follow us as we take on the summer full force and make every day the BEST DAY EVER! 

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