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Thursday, May 10, 2012

A day at Home

Hello All! 

Today was a great day!  We didn't go ANYWHERE and that was so nice for a change.  Not that we weren't supposed to though...I kind of completely forgot about the "preschool" Trinity High School was putting on which I registered both my boys for.  I lost my mind and we missed today...AND last week.  So, since there is only one more day next week, we're just going to forget that one too.  The boys forgave me so it's all good.  They are used to my forgetfulness.  Blame it on "mamabrain", lack of sleep, whatever...I'm losing it.  But hey, if I can't remember that I've forgotten, I've got it made.

So since we were at home today, and since a few weekends ago we finally bunked our boys' beds, we used the huge floor space in their room to play.  Yippee!!  Boy toys are now (for the most part) out of our downstairs living room.  Until of course they migrate down one by one and we start all over again. 

Totally off topic:  I was thinking today (for just a few seconds) how I need to join a gym soon.  And then I realize that I go up and down the stairs a million times a day.  That should count for something, right?!  Or does the late night Brahms milkshake runs when the kids are in bed cancel that out...now I'm thinking about that gym again...

Anyway, I digress, which you will see a lot of if you continue to follow our blog.  Don't worry, I won't blame you if you choose to spend your time elsewhere...We decided to use the huge floor space in the boys' room.  We have a drawer FULL of train tracks and we filled up their room with a huge "set".  Belle had the best time watching her brothers.     

Oh and did I mention that it's Mother's Day!  Okay, not the traditional American holiday, but for Latin American countries today is, as Fer called it this morning, "Madre's Day".  So since it's a day to celebrate someone like me (AND Fer was working late AND I, once again, was too tired to make a fancy meal, nor should I have to, right, it's Madre's Day, AND I refuse to have pizza night two days in a row), I decided to treat myself to my favorite "breakfast for dinner" meal.  Pancakes!!!  I decided to have a little fun with it and since the boys think the ultimate girl color is pink, I made PINK PANCAKES!!!  Okay so you can't really tell they are pink since in my distractedness I cooked them a tiny bit too long, and I have no eye for presentation...just not my thing, but they tasted fabulous!

Here's the list of our favorite parts of the day:
Max - "when Papa came home for lunch" (since he was going to have to work late), "playing with the trains", and "what I liked the most was the PINK PANCAKES! Mama Rocks!!!"  Okay I might have added the "Mama Rocks" part but come on...pink pancakes are cool
Nico - "playing with the craft box with Max" He so loves his big brother.
Belle - drooling and trying to eat her fingers...or so it seems
Fernando aka Papa - "coming home for lunch" and I'm sure after he reads my blog he'll say that's a fav part of his day as well. 
Jen - of course the PINK PANCAKES, Papa's lunchtime visit, PINK PANCAKES, (first time) successfully pumping breastmilk while all the kids watched...yes I just said it, and I did that, but what else can I do, and don't worry, I covered myself; successfully feeding Belle her 2nd rice cereal bottle! (so proud of her), PINK PANCAKES, having my towels come out of the washer smelling cleaner than ever before (I'm now washing in hot water with a cup of vinegar, then running them again on hot with 1/2 cup baking soda...Thank you Pinterest), and sewing my first Superhero cape from nothing more than my imagintion. 

A new section to our blog:  TODAY'S BLOOPERS
Don't be fooled into thinking it's all roses and sunshine in our home.  NOBODY IS PERFECT ESPECIALLY US!  Here are just a few of my "favorite" ones

1.  Nico putting his pancake and small bowl of syrup (he's a dipper) on the living room floor.  The poor pink pancake was not sitting on a plate (and so nicely blending into the dark floors since if you remember they were slightly overcooked) and here comes Max walking by and creams that poor pink pancake into the floor.  Nico was only slightly annonyed.  He had already abandoned it for another distraction.  (All I could do was sit and watch and direct...yes this was while I was pumping...TMI???)

2.  Max taking some food off of his plate and running from the table as fast as he could not realizing he was still holding onto the plate, therefore flinging his plate to the ground and it shattering into a million teeny tiny pieces, some of which slip under the jumper Belle is currently standing in...once again while I'm pumping...sigh...see a pattern...wonder why I've never attempted to do this while without another adult present before, but at the same time...what if I'd been hiding in another room....

3.  Belle's head and face completely covered not only in her own drool, but Max and Nico's as well from kissing on her, or in Nico's case, licking her....

4.  Fernando's heel hurting so bad that he's missing his smile today :(

and 5.  Jen...well...overcooking those PINK PANCAKES and maybe forgetting their "preschool"

But still...Best....Day...EVER!!!

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