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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A day of Firsts

I finally got the chance to attempt to get an updated headshot of all the kiddos together.  It was NOT an easy task and this was the BEST I could get.  I had to bribe with marshmellows too...

What can I say?  Today was a great day! 

The kids, of course, loved their time at school.  Max had a particularly fun day because today his class celebrated Summer birthdays.  He came home with a bag full of goodies, which Nico basically claimed as his own immediately.  Max being the awesome big bro that he is shared his special prizes (except the bouncy ball which pretty much caused WWIII, but we won't get into that). 

The boys got a special surprise in the afternoon when Papa came home from work at an earlier time (due to an earlier start time) and took them for their first swim of the summer.  The water was a little chilly but they got used to it pretty quickly.  They also enjoyed the pizza party we had for dinner!

Belle had a big day today too.  While the boys were in school she went fabric shopping with me which we both LOVE to do.  And this evening she did so well when we attempted to feed her rice cereal for the first time.  She was a good sport about it.  Max would only take it by bottle for quite some time in the beginning, Nico would never take it from a bottle and always with a spoon, so I was pleasantly surprised that she would do either way (although bottle was easier).  It was her first time to accept the bottle too!  Up until now she refused it.  I was so proud of her since this is something we've been struggling with.  But she took it for her Papa!  I was even able to help her finish her cereal bottle.  Although we'll continue with nursing, I'm extremely happy for my baby's accomplishment and it is reasuring to know that if I can't be around she'll get what she needs.  She's growing up too fast.  Already 4 months old! 

At the end of every day we ask the kids about their favorite part of the day.  Here were the verdicts:
Max - school and the pool.
Nico - only shook his head in agreement, I'm sure they were his favorite parts too! 
Belle - having Papa feed her for the first time
Fernando - getting to spend extra quality time with his little kiddos, especially at the pool. 
Jen - (although I LOVED it ALL as I do everyday)...seeing my family's smiles and not having to cook dinner!!!! 


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